
Understanding Acne

There's a science to what causes acne and how to treat it. Get the facts from the acne experts, so you are equipped to navigate your journey with confidence and ease.

Most recent

Acne in a Virtual World

It's old news that video calls can be tough for teens and young adults who are self-conscious about their acne.

Why Does Acne Scar?

The pimples that acne brings to the face and torso can leave an unpleasant reminder even after the blemishes have gone: scarring.

What does acne look like?

Did you know that acne actually has multiple types of breakouts that all look distinct from one another?

What Causes Acne?

A quick quiz for you and your teen about the causes of acne.

Navigate your acne journey

What’s most important to you today?

Talking with your teen
Talking with your teen
Preparing for the dermatologist
Preparing for the dermatologist
Sticking with a regimen
Sticking with a regimen